Comments by Craig Grosshuesch

Comment for "How I Learned To Tell Time"

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The vererable Mr Kettering has taken the thread of time and stirred my childhood memories. I had a wonderful time with the piece. Time after time I found myself in the character relating to the story. At times, I thought I was the character being the youngest of 4 brothers, AND my Dad was a highschool coach. Good times! Time will tell where this piece will take Mr Kettering, for me it was time well spent.

Comment for "My Dad and Pre-Socratic Thought"

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Review of My Dad and Pre-Socratic Thought

WOW, I thought I was listening to the "Back Story of Andy and Opie Taylor" on the "E" network. It was a piece that everyone can take something from. Those stories would trigger my own trials of growing up in the 60's and my Dads approach at raising 5 boys. Todays kids will never experiance the naivete of growing up without the "internet". We learned from our parents, and the good stuff from our buddies. I wouldn't trade those moments with my Dad for anything. Good Stuff!