Comments by Elizabeth Barron

Comment for "Amazing Grace: The Story of Willie Nelson"

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Amazing Grace

The first time that I ever saw Willie in concert I was amazed at the variety of people in the crowd. And I think that the most interesting part of this documentry for me was learning that he has always reached out to a wide variety of people. I think the clips of him performing were a wonderful way to communicate a part of him that is hard to touch on with words alone.

Comment for "BIRTH"

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This was very Beautifully done. My mother always made the decision to do things in a more natural manner. As I have gotten closer in my life to being ready to have a child of my own it has been kind of scary to me how much the doctors want to control the birthing process through unnatural processes. I think it is so important for men and women to educate themselves before hand and make sure that they are making decisons that they are comfortable with. This radio documentary does a wonderful job of exploring both sides and brings up many issues that a couple really needs to think about before giving birth.