Comments by Dann Stein

Comment for "Too Early For Late Father"

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Aw, You know Dad, I never saw ya' cry (or heard ya' prey).

Better part of valor. In Deed! Same thing my old man told me. Then at 90, slipped and fell on his "noggin"; lost that brave, heroic discretion..."built a fire on Main St.- 'an then he shot it full of holes" Told the old lady first, then any and everyone else to go fuck-off. Sure didn't seem appropriate to tell Pop not to gogently into that Good Night. Last time I saw him: he was like Ferdinand the Bull- mad as the bees that stung him. I wonder bout "a las quatro en punto!" Will St. Peter be wearin the "trajo de luces"? Is there really a gran corrida, or any alla, ariba. Pop never even wondered out loud or answered me about it. So far God won't either. I remember him saying he drank water with a meal, for digestion. I never forgot that; and so I followed suit; then he always denied that he told me that. My mother always told me not to be someone, "some boob" with more dollars than sense. I heard cents, or scents. I pick up pennies and don't shower much, and I been broke most all my life.
Pop's gone now and Mom's Mom and been only she can be both.

Comment for "Why Our Father"

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Shep's broken heart: Poor Shep is Dad- noCrewcut hymn

No spelling lessons art in Heaven. Just say goodnight, Grace, or Our Father or Daddy's right beside you. Amen. Amen. Who's the holy ghost Pop? If life could be a dream... shaboom and hope'n 'n prayin for the father, the son, and for the ghost but only if it's really the one that's holy! no spooky holloween imposters. Why's Mommy cutting eyeholes in an old sheet? Dry your eyes Daddy. Son, Mommy.
See, Mommy: Daddy's not really gone for good or dead. Maybe there really is an EasterBunny...and God's not dead either.

Comment for "Why Our Father"

Caption: PRX default User image

Shep's broken heart: Poor Shep is Dad- noCrewcut hymn

No spelling lessons art in Heaven. Just say goodnight, Grace, or Our Father or Daddy's right beside you. Amen. Amen. Who's the holy ghost Pop? If life could be a dream... shaboom and hope'n 'n prayin for the father, the son, and for the ghost but only if it's really the one that's holy! no spooky holloween imposters. Why's Mommy cutting eyeholes in an old sheet? Dry your eyes Daddy. Son, Mommy.
See, Mommy: Daddy's not really gone for good or dead. Maybe there really is an EasterBunny...and God's not dead either.