Comments by michael benton

Comment for "Record Review: Sa-Ra Creative Partners" (deleted)

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Review of Record Review: Sa-Ra Creative Partners (deleted)

This is a good review that introduced me to the Sa-Ra music collective. In a short 4 and a half minutes Jesse artfully teases out the developmental connections of this collection, their significance for contemporary musicians, and their unique style/grooves. The clips were well chosen and piqued my interest. This is great music that deserves a larger audience!

Comment for "Blues File: Macavine Hayes"

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Review of Blues File: Macavine Hayes

Johnny Meister generally has the warm familiarity that gives one the sense he knows what he is talking about and leads the listener to trust his assessment of the featured artists. In this case the musician is of such a high caliber that it is not a hard sell. I'm sad to say I haven't heard of this blues master, but after hearing this review I want to hear more. Most importantly this review does what all good reviews do, it situates the musician in a genre/tradition and tells the listener how the artist's work presents a unique contribution to that tradition.

Comment for "Yo-Yo Ma ENCORE: In his own words"

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Review of Yo-Yo Ma ENCORE: In his own words

This piece is quick and intimate. The listener feels as if Yo-Yo Ma is sitting directly across from him playing his instrument. Particularly effective is his voice, it acts as a musical counterpoint. It left me wanting more--of Yo-yo Ma and other musical treasures. So I guess my only question, or even complaint, is where is the rest of this series, why is it broken up into such small, fractured pieces, why not a long streaming adventure with Yo-Yo Ma, why torture us so...