Comments for Too Early For Late Father

Caption: Sapir's Hotel - 3 Generations

This piece belongs to the series "HiPapaDays"

Produced by Jay Sapir

Other pieces by Jay sapir

Summary: This piece is part of a quartet series called HiPapa Days. DAD DAYS ARE EVERGREENS- Any day the nature of the piece fits the news of the day or the tune of the times.

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Aw, You know Dad, I never saw ya' cry (or heard ya' prey).

Better part of valor. In Deed! Same thing my old man told me. Then at 90, slipped and fell on his "noggin"; lost that brave, heroic discretion..."built a fire on Main St.- 'an then he shot it full of holes" Told the old lady first, then any and everyone else to go fuck-off. Sure didn't seem appropriate to tell Pop not to gogently into that Good Night. Last time I saw him: he was like Ferdinand the Bull- mad as the bees that stung him. I wonder bout "a las quatro en punto!" Will St. Peter be wearin the "trajo de luces"? Is there really a gran corrida, or any alla, ariba. Pop never even wondered out loud or answered me about it. So far God won't either. I remember him saying he drank water with a meal, for digestion. I never forgot that; and so I followed suit; then he always denied that he told me that. My mother always told me not to be someone, "some boob" with more dollars than sense. I heard cents, or scents. I pick up pennies and don't shower much, and I been broke most all my life.
Pop's gone now and Mom's Mom and been only she can be both.

Caption: PRX default User image

Coming soon

Stay tuned for 4th of July peg: Libertyville, U.S.A.
Uploading 24-48hrs;
Jay Sapir
{Any old friends,colleagues, bosses, wives etc out there-holler at me: or 847-946-6492