Guy Rathbun

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  • Username: guyrathbun
  • Part-time Instructor
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent

Recent Pieces from Guy Rathbun

Caption: Jazz Dance

Footloose (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

The music that became known as jazz swept across America in the teens and early 1920s. To the older population, it appeared to be all elbow and knees. Its origins were ...
Caption: Joe "Wingy" Mannone

The Green Mill (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

It’s rumored to be the oldest continuously running jazz club in the country. While the outside may be dark and unassuming, stepping inside is something else entirely. There ...
Caption: 1920s Combo

Combo (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

In the early 1920s, a small collection of musicians was referred to as a combination rather than an orchestra. In America, though, there’s frequently a desire to abbreviate ...
Caption: Ethel Waters

Turn On the Heat (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

Summer. Those three months are loaded with ups and downs. Along with rising temperatures, there’s a remarkable increase in travel – not to mention fun. That’s been a truism ...
Caption: Louis Dumaine's Band

Hubs (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

Jazz originated in the African American communities of New Orleans thanks in part to Congo Square near the French Quarter. That’s where the slaves would gather one day a week ...
Caption: The Sunset/Grand Terrace Cafe

The Sunset Cafe (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

When mob boss Al Capone took control of the Sunset Café in Chicago in the mid 1920s, it was already considered to be one of the best performance showcases in the Windy City. ...
Caption: 1910 Excursion Steamboat

Barnacles (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

Rivers throughout America were critical for commerce from the 17th through the early 20th century. Think of the iconic steamboat. Bales of hay and crates of dry goods ...
Caption: Electical Recording studio

Electrified (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

Imagine what traveling would be like if everyone followed different rules of the road. Total chaos. Well, that’s just about the story of the recording industry in the early ...
Caption: Smalls Paradise

Smalls' Paradise (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

Ed Smalls, an African American, had the longest running nightclub north of New York City. 1917 to the 1960s. The club Ed opened reached its zenith during the era known as Jim ...
Caption: Blossom Seeley

The Bees Knees & other slang (59:00)
From: Guy Rathbun

Almost as quickly as they arrived, they disappeared from lack of use. Slang from the 1920s and early ‘30s. During their heyday, they were flying around in virtually every ...