Steve Clark

Caption: PRX default User image
  • Username: sclark
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Station-Based


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Jamestown and Bermuda part 1 (02:33)
From: Steve Clark

The accidental discovery of Bermuda by the English in 1609
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Jamestown and Bermuda part 2 (03:18)
From: Steve Clark

What the Virginia Company learned establishing it's first colony that helped in founding the second.
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Jamestown and Bermuda part 2 (03:18)
From: Steve Clark

What the Virginia Company learned establishing it's first colony that helped in founding the second.
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Jamestown and Bermuda part 2 (03:18)
From: Steve Clark

What the Virginia Company learned establishing it's first colony that helped in founding the second.
Caption: Farm militia drill, Credit: Jamestown Yorktown Foundation

Colonial Militia (02:30)
From: Steve Clark

The colonial militias played an important role in the struggle for independence, but then, as now, not without some misunderstanding.