Comments by Ryan Gossen

Comment for "SOTRU - Detroit: Motor City Rebound"

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Ive never been near Detroit, but this piece tempts me. Its sounds like a new frontier.

Comment for "SOTRU - Detroit: Motor City Rebound"

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Ive never been near Detroit, but this piece tempts me. Its sounds like a new frontier.

Comment for "Navajo Pentacostal"

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comments dont need a title

Scott Carrier is on a mission, and I am on it with him.

Comment for "Destination DIY: Gender Expression"

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Great interviews

Hi, I enjoyed your piece allot. I admire your confidence with these potentially intimidating subjects.

Comment for "My Dad and Pre-Socratic Thought"

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great writing, irritating production

The uptight delivery and skippy dippy musical interludes do not quite bury the subtly of the verse. This is delivered as oratory, but the tone of the witting is conversational. I want to hear more though.