Comments by Ginny McCaskey

Comment for "Healthcare and the Death of David"

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I have Health Insurance, but I agree with you

I am one of the very lucky Americans who have great health insurance. As a federal employee living in the Washington-Baltimore area, I not only have about 3/4 of my premium picked up by my employer (indirectly, the taxpayers of the U.S.A.), but I have a choice of health care insurance options. I picked Blue Cross, because I happen to have a chronic illness, rheumatoid arthritis. I have tried to not only follow doctor's orders, but to take good care of myself, but am also reaching an age where I have high cholesterol. Long story short - I am one of the moderate users in my insurance plan. I'm grateful to the people who are paying premiums, and not using as much as I must. I also don't run to see the doctor for every little thing. But that's part of the problem. Lots of people do - run to see the doctor for every little thing. And they demand every single test, and the medication they saw on TV.
I am in favor of universal health care coverage - of some things. That is what is missing from the debate. EVERYONE living in the U.S.A. should have a basic physical, access to vaccinations, well-baby care, and as we age, some basic screening. But should everyone have free OTC drugs for mild allergies? NO. We all need to come together to demand a government-financed option. This option would, of necessity, contract with privately-owned medical practices, pharmacies, and testing facilitities to provide us with the care we need.

My heart goes out to you, Sally, Sallee, and Nancy. I just want you to know that I am one of the insured who does understand. Maybe because I need my health insurance. I use it every day when I take my prescription medication that keeps me healthy enough to work.

Comment for "Karen King - Seeing and Knowing God: Truly Human, Truly Divine" (deleted)

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Karen King is the best! (deleted)

I have listened to Dr. King's lectures on various podcasts, and her thinking has led me into some new directions in my own spritual search. The two lectures from Chautauqua add to my understanding of Christian theology.