Playlist: Roe v. Wade Anniversary
Compiled By: PRX Editors
Jan. 22 is the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision of the right for a woman to have an abortion.
Below are picks chosen by PRX editorial staff. You can find other options for Roe v. Wade anniversary by using our search.
Shades of Gray
From Jonathan Mitchell | 58:27
An hour-long audio mosaic about abortion in America.
- Playing
- Shades of Gray
- From
- Jonathan Mitchell
Pro-choice. Pro-life. Most people have already chosen sides in the ongoing debate, so why revisit the issue? Shades of Gray shares a range of stories told by people young and old who have been directly affected by abortion, instead of the polemics of irreconcilable extremes. It's a carefully crafted audio mosaic and a stark portrayal of the intensely personal nature of our relationship with abortion. Originally distributed nationally by PRI in January, 2003 Winner of the 2004 Golden Reel for National Documentary.
PRX homepage image from Shutterstock.
Moyers & Company Show 203: What’s Fueling the Modern Abortion Debate?
From Moyers & Company | Part of the Moyers & Company series | 53:00
Public support and political hate behind the modern abortion rights debate. Next on Moyers & Company.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that overturned many federal and state restrictions on a woman’s right to an abortion. But while polls show that most Americans support the decision, and that a majority -- for the first time -- believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, anti-abortion forces show no sign of relenting. A study by the Guttmacher Institute reported that state legislatures passed 92 provisions restricting a woman’s access to reproductive health care in 2011 -- a number four times higher than the previous year.
On the next Moyers & Company, Bill discusses the changing face of the reproductive rights movement and those it serves -- as well as the success of social conservatives on the abortion front -- with Jessica González-Rojas, Executive Director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, and Lynn Paltrow, founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women.
In a second segment, Bill talks to U.S. Representative Peter Welch (D-VT) on the bi-partisan bill to repeal the $500 million mysterious Congressional giveaway to the drug company Amgen.
Roe v. Wade at 39/ Where Women Stand in 2012
From KSFR | Part of the Equal Time with Martha Burk series | 56:48
Equal Time series host Martha Burk interviews Sarah Weddington, who successfully argued the Roe v. Wade case legalizing abortion in the United States on the 39th anniversary of the decision, and Terry O'Neill, President of the National Organization for Women in Washington, D.C. on where women stand in 2012.
- Playing
- Roe v. Wade at 39/ Where Women Stand in 2012
- From
Sarah Weddington discusses what it was like to argue one of the landmark Supreme Court cases of the 20th century as a 27 year old lawyer. Few women appeared before the Court, which was all male. She actually had to argue the case twice, and won both times. Weddington talks about the political landscape at the time, when abortion was illegal and many women died from illegal procedures. She also addresses the current Court and what may happen to women's rights in future decisions.
Terry O'Neill discusses women's setbacks and progress during the Obama Administration, how the political winds are blowing for 2012, and what women, men, and families should be concerned about. Topics include the economy, child care, equal pay and wage erosion, birth control, and reproductive rights.
Full version includes both interviews, divided into 4 segments (2 x 30 sec. breaks midway in each half, 2 x 30 sec at bottom of hour). See detail in Timing and Cues.
Separate modules are Weddington Module (2 x 30 sec breaks midway) and and O'Neill Module ( 2 x 30 sec midway). See detail in Timing and Cues.
Sex, Lies, and the Classroom
From Making Contact | Part of the Making Contact series | 29:59
Decades after Roe v. Wade, many young people still lack the resources to make informed choices about sex. In this edition, a discussion about comprehensive sex Ed in schools, federal funding, and parental involvement.
- Playing
- Sex, Lies, and the Classroom
- From
- Making Contact
The 1973 Roe versus Wade decision was hailed as a victory by many advocates of a woman’s right to choose. But decades later, many young people still lack the resources to make informed choices about sex – choices that could affect the rest of their lives. On this edition, we bring you a discussion about sex education in schools, federal funding for sex-ed and how advocacy groups and parents are making their voices heard on the issue.
Featuring: Phyllida Burlingame, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California Sex Education Policy Director; La Rhonda Crosby-Johnson, Bay Area Communities for Health Education Community Engagement Specialist; Gabriela Valle, California Latinas for Reproductive Justice Director of Community Education & Mobilization.
Program #03-11
Begin Date 01/19/11. End date 06/19/11.
Total run time is 29 minutes (no hard breaks)
-Optional cutaway at 1:00
-Optional (floating) cutaway between 12:00 and 20:00
-Music in/out.
Please call us if you carry us - 510-251-1332 - and we will list your station on our website. If you excerpt, please credit early and often.
Who Controls Black Women's Bodies?
From Making Contact | Part of the Making Contact series | 29:00
Reproductive health services for women are under attack, leaving poor women and women of color lacking access. But a broad coalition of women is striking back, changing the conversation on abortion and race.
- Playing
- Who Controls Black Women's Bodies?
- From
- Making Contact
While overall access to contraception and other reproductive health services have increased over the last 20 years, access for low-income women and women of color has dropped.
Since the 2010 elections, anti-abortionists have grown more emboldened in their attempts to restrict not only abortion services, but also to basic reproductive care.
African-American women have been especially targeted in a series of anti-abortion billboards posted across the country. Enraged by this finger-pointing, reproductive justice activist of all colors got together to fight for every woman’s right to health care. On this edition, the fight for access to reproductive health care.
WARNING: This program contains graphic language.
This program was funded in part by the Mary Wohlford Foundation.
From Appalachian Media Institute | 06:16
A young woman from Eastern Kentucky shares her story about the stigma and difficulty of navigating an unwanted pregnancy in a community where even the mention of abortion is taboo.
- Playing
- Abortion
- From
- Appalachian Media Institute
AMI producer Russell Wright talks with a young woman from eastern Kentucky about her experience dealing with her unwanted pregnancy and the choices she made.