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Playlist: The Economy: The Big Questions

Compiled By: PRX Editors

 Credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/wwworks/">woodleywonderworks</a>
Image by: woodleywonderworks 

The ethics of capitalism, the wisdom of regulation, and the future of retail are some of the macro-topics discussed. Both fierce critics of capitalism and those who believe business can and must play a big role in fostering a more ethical society are represented here.

Christine Bader on "Business and Human Rights"

From Carnegie Council | Part of the Global Ethics Forum: Advocates for Ethics in Business series | 27:30

Christane Bader, a special representative on business and human rights for the UN secretary general, discusses ameliorating conflicts with local populations while working at BP, and the creation of the company's human rights policy.

Globalethicsforum_logo_bigweb_small "Advocates for Ethics in Business" is part of the Global Ethics Forum. The series explores the role of business in society and features experts who confront the ethics of doing business globally.

The Future of Retail and Business

From Smart City Radio | 58:54

Michael Malone, author of "The Future Arrived Yesterday," talks about the virtual workplace and what corporations might look like in days to come; and Larry Weeks and Daniel Aizenman from the design firm Commarts discuss the future of retail and the fate of the neighborhood mall.

Default-piece-image-2 The world changes at such a rapid clip, sometimes it's hard to put your finger on what exactly it is we're doing right now.  Michael Malone has taken that one step further in his new book "The Future Arrived Yesterday".  Michael will tell us about the virtualization of the workplace and what corporations may look like in the future. 

And as the workplace goes more virtual, our shopping habits have followed.  But this may not be the future of retail.  We'll speak with Larry Weeks and Daniel Aizenman from the design firm Commarts join us to explain the future of retail and what will become of your neighborhood mall. 

Hans Decker on "Business in Global Society"

From Carnegie Council | Part of the Global Ethics Forum: Advocates for Ethics in Business series | 27:30

Professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University and ex-Siemens executive Hans Decker discusses what role businesses should play in society aside from profit-making.

Globalethicsforum_logo_bigweb_small "Advocates for Ethics in Business" is part of the Global Ethics Forum. The series explores the role of business in society and features experts who confront the ethics of doing business globally.

Chronology of Capitalism (ENCORE)

From Making Contact | Part of the Making Contact series | 29:00

As continual efforts to tweak the economic system seem to be failing, there’s growing suspicion that the flaws may be systemic. We hear from 3 people who’ve been sounding the alarm about capitalism’s house of cards for years.

20-09_small It’s a time of economic transition, and systems that may have seemed stable over the past few decades are proving to be far from it. But how did we get here? And how can we learn from the past, to build a more fair and just system in the future? While many politicians and pundits claim that no one saw the current economic collapse coming; in fact, we had plenty of warning, depending on who we listened to. This week, we hear from 3 people who’ve been sounding the alarm about capitalism’s house of cards for years, and in some cases, decades.

Steve Williams, POWER: People Organized to Win Employment Rights co-director and co-founder; Rick Wolff, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Economics Professor and author; Stanley Aronowitz, City University of NY Graduate Center Sociology & Urban Education Professor and author.