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Playlist: 2021 Spring Fundraisers

Compiled By: PRX Editors

Caption: PRX default Playlist image
Curated Playlist

2021 Spring Fundraisers

The Perfect Match - Snap 2021 Spring Fundraiser

From Snap Judgment | Part of the Snap Judgment Fundraisers series | 40:29

A woman is stuck on a deserted island with someone she just met. And a young man is hassled about marriage by his parents but he has something he needs to share with them.


A woman is stuck on a deserted island with someone she just met. And a young man is hassled about marriage by his parents but he has something he needs to share with them. Snap Judgment presents, “Perfect Match.” Amazing stories from real people about love and everything that comes with it. 

The Moth Fundraising Hour Spring 2021

From The Moth | Part of the The Moth Fundraising Material series | 40:44

A fundraising hour for stations carrying The Moth Radio Hour weekly. In this episode: healing. Moving on from a failed relationship, finding help in an unexpected place, exercising to get out of a funk, and a very difficult dog.


When Luke Rodehorst's relationship crumbles, he looks for closure in a unique way.
An angel brings hip hop superstar Darryl McDaniels back from the brink.
Meena Ziabari takes up running at a low point in her life.
Beth Bradley's family gets a dog, to her father's chagrin.

"Spring 2021 Fundraiser" with Lulu Miller, W. Kamau Bell, and Brandy Clark

From Live Wire! Radio | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 46:42

This episode is a pledge edition of Live Wire that features writer and Radiolab co-host Lulu Miller, comedian W. Kamau Bell from CNN's "United Shades of America," and music from Brandy Clark.

Ep On this special pledge edition of Live Wire, host Luke Burbank and announcer Elena Passarello revisit some of their favorite Live Wire conversations from 2020. Writer and Radiolab co-host Lulu Miller unpacks the problematic practices of turn-of-the-century taxonomist David Starr Jordan; W. Kamau Bell breaks down the difference between white supremacy and white supremacists on his CNN documentary series United Shades of America; and country singer-songwriter Brandy Clark spins her love of the film Jaws into a relevant and heartfelt song, aptly titled "Bigger Boat."

March 2021 Fundraiser: Jamie Oliver Speaks Out on Nutrition, Restaurants and Toad-in-the-Hole

From Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio | Part of the Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Fundraising series | 37:45

Jamie Oliver chats about how drumming kept him out of trouble as a teenager, what his dad taught him about hard work and how his cooking is heavily influenced by traditional English fare. Plus, we hear from Rev. Heber Brown III about the historical relationship between Black churches and Black farmers; Kenji López-Alt gives us tips on how to get young kids to eat adventurously; and Christopher Kimball and Sara Moulton take your calls.

***In addition to the fundraising-friendly content, we have a variety of options to support your fundraising efforts, including pitching with our host, Christopher Kimball, and lots of options for giveaway items, including Milk Street cookbooks, magazines, unique pantry items, cookware, knives, and more.

For more information, please email Cathy Twiss (ctwiss@pri.org) and Jason Turesky Clapp (jturesky@177milkstreet.com).***

Msl_radio_logo_cobrand_prx_small Jamie Oliver chats about how drumming kept him out of trouble as a teenager, what his dad taught him about hard work and how his cooking is heavily influenced by traditional English fare. Plus, we hear from Rev. Heber Brown III about the historical relationship between Black churches and Black farmers; Kenji López-Alt gives us tips on how to get young kids to eat adventurously; and Christopher Kimball and Sara Moulton take your calls.

***In addition to the fundraising-friendly content, we have a variety of options to support your fundraising efforts, including pitching with our host, Christopher Kimball, and lots of options for giveaway items, including Milk Street cookbooks, magazines, unique pantry items, cookware, knives, and more.

For more information, please email Cathy Twiss (ctwiss@pri.org) and Sarah Clapp (sclapp@177milkstreet.com).***

2021 Spring Fundraiser: Experiencing More With Less / Choice In The Food Industry

From Wisconsin Public Radio | Part of the To The Best of Our Knowledge Fundraisers series | 01:23:27

In this special fundraising edition of "To the Best of Our Knowledge," host Anne Strainchamps samples some of our best interviews about simplicity and food.

Itunes_squareart_medium_small PROMO FOR "EXPERIENCING MORE WITH LESS"
Too much information, too much noise, too many screens. In this special fundraising edition of "To the Best of Our Knowledge," Anne Strainchamps wonders if we can reawaken our senses with... ...less.

We've gotten so good at producing food on a mass, industrial scale, we're shrinking variety. In this special fundraising edition of "To the Best of Our Knowledge," what's the cost when we simply eat what the food industry gives us?


From Living On Earth | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 47:21

From air pollution and mental health, to tips for low-waste living, to the return of wild beavers to England and more, the Living on Earth 2021 Spring Funder show features a sampling of LOE favorites.


Host: Steve Curwood 
TRT including newscast: 44:41
Pitching avail: 15:19
Stations may get two more minutes of pitching 
by taking the newscast cutaway between :04 and :06 
Seg 1: Billboard: 1:00 
IN: (Music :02) “From PRI...” 
OUT: “..on Living on Earth. Stick around.” 
Seg 2: Newscast Music Fill: 
Seg 3: SEGMENT A: 13:59
IN: “From PRX and the Jennifer and Ted Stanley studios...” OUT: “Here is the number to call, and thanks!.” (:20 MUSIC FOR TALKOVER)
1. YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS FROM AIR POLLUTION:  A deadly form of air pollution known as "small particulate matter" is linked to as many as 20,000 excess deaths in the United States, mostly in the form of cardiovascular events such as strokes or heart attacks. Now, there is mounting evidence that these small, PM 2.5 particulates may also be harming the mental health of children and teens by worsening depression, anxiety, suicidality and more. Brian Bienkowski, the editor of Environmental Health News joins Host Steve Curwood to talk about the correlation. (6:24) 
2. CLEAN ENERGY IN SPACE TO SAVE PLANET EARTH: Innovations in space technology, including solar charging stations and mining in space, could reduce the need for earth bound extractive industries that damage the environment. Greg Autry, Director of the Southern California Commercial Space Initiative, talks with host Steve Curwood about the potential for technologies in space to help planet earth. (6:26) 
OUT TEXT: “Hi, I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth. Here at the show we are dedicated to bringing you news you won’t hear anywhere else, from public health to innovative science. Please support that effort and make a pledge to this station.  Here is the number to call, and thanks! (:15)
Seg 4 SEGMENT B TOTAL: 12:33
IN: “It’s Living on Earth, I’m Steve Curwood.” 
OUT: “”...the number to call. Thanks!” (:20 MUSIC FOR TALKOVER)
1. BEAVERS RETURN TO ENGLAND: UK officials have confirmed that a five-year beaver reintroduction pilot program in England was a success, and the first beavers to live in England for centuries will be allowed to stay. Professor Richard Brazier of the University of Exeter joins Living on Earth’s Jenni Doering to discuss how the beavers are bringing rich biodiversity back to their local riverscape.  (6:51) 
2. MIDTOWN COYOTE: The pandemic has put a spotlight on the challenges of parenting in the absence of childcare. But even in an era of remote learning and spotty Zoom meetings we humans probably still have it easier than many animals trying to successfully raise their young. Here’s writer Jennifer Berry Junghans on how a mother coyote manages to eke out a living in the heart of California’s capitol. (4:45) 
OUT TEXT: Hi, I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth. Each week we work hard to bring you environmental stories on a wide range of subjects, including the many species we with which we share our incredibly diverse planet. Please help us continue to bring you these stories you won’t hear anywhere else. Here is the number to call, Thanks! (:17) 
Seg 5 SEGMENT C: 13:38
IN: “It’s Living on Earth, I’m Steve Curwood.” 
OUT: "... here’s how you can help" (:20 MUSIC FOR TALKOVER)
1. TIPS FOR LOW WASTE LIVING: Sustainable living can be as much about returning to old, thrifty traditions as it is about innovative technologies. Social media influencer Julia Watkins set out on a low-waste journey and discovered that food scraps can be repurposed in everything from soups to crackers to household cleaners. Julia Watkins is the author of the new book, “Simply Living Well: A Guide to Creating a Natural Low Waste Home” and joins Host Steve Curwood to share some of the recipes she learned along the way. (7:08) 
2. BIOBLITZ: Every year, citizen scientists around the world participate in BioBlitzes: brief, intensive surveys of biological diversity over a set area and time. A BioBlitz can be done by a large group in a public place like a forest or, in the midst of a pandemic, a family can participate in their own back yard. Which is what Living on Earth’s Bobby Bascomb did with her husband and two young children.  (5:25) 
OUT TEXT: Climate news can be challenging but at Living on Earth we strive to also bring you the good news about enjoying nature and living more sustainably. Please help this station bring you those stories. Here’s how you can help. (:16)
Seg 6 Fundraising spot (dry)
Our station is a reliable source of news and information about the environment. And it’s more important than ever to have information you can trust. Hi, I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth. Each week we work hard to research the most important big and little news stories about our changing world. Living on Earth has been broadcasting for nearly 30 years and our crew has a deep knowledge of these issues, as well as a huge list of experts we can call on. For the news on environmental change that helps you and your family, you can turn to us for accurate and informative and sometimes humorous stories. So now please be here for us. Take a moment to pitch in. Here’s how. And thank you.  
SHOW PROMO Total: 30 Steve Curwood 
On the next Living on Earth – Research finds particulates from pollution are associated with mental health problems in children. 
So we're talking about anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, kids who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. And these are usually cases that are pretty serious if you're ending up in the ER. (:10)
I’m Steve Curwood air pollution and mental health next time on Living on Earth from PRX. 
(Local date and tag line here) 

Radiolab Spring Fundraising Show 2021

From Radiolab | 43:32

Radiolab Spring Funder 2021 - A simple act of motherhood became a heroic feat that has never been equaled by any known species on Earth.

In 2007, Bruce Robison’s robot submarine stumbled across an octopus settling in to brood her eggs. It seemed like a small moment. But as he went back to visit her, month after month, what began as a simple act of motherhood became a heroic feat that has never been equaled by any known species on Earth.

American Routes 2021 Spring Funder

From American Routes | Part of the American Routes Fundraising Programs series | 01:22:11

Host Nick Spitzer brings you some hometown music while urging listeners to pitch in and support their station.


For this special fundraising edition of American Routes, host Nick Spitzer brings you some of our hometown music here in New Orleans and South Louisiana while urging the listeners to pitch in and support your station. The 8 program segments are designed to 'float' within a 2-hour slot, allowing approximately 5 minutes of your station's fundraising pitch to come in after each segment.

Nick's 30 & 60 second pitches and a thank-you message can be used throughout your station's fundraising schedule.

There is also a 30 second promo for this fundraising edition of AR.

Day 6 | Spring 2021 Fundraising Materials

From Day 6 | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 01:27:39

Day 6 | Spring 2021 Fundraising Materials

Day6_____000_logo94918084_medium_small Day 6 | Spring 2021 Fundraising Materials