Comments by Rob Harman

Comment for "Family Separation"

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Review of Family Separation

I sm just going to say flat out that this piece, most of it anyway, is good. This is a very interesting topic, however I feel it was a bit to flat and monotone which turned me off a little. It could of used some background music. And I know the narrator is foreign but more coaching could of been done to make the reading a little smoother, not so much because it was unpleasing to the ears, but because it made me feel like the narrator was struggling to much, and listners might pick that up alot and begin to focus on the narrators ability to speak and read english. Overall though this piece is good, just add music.

Comment for "Five Quick Ways to Save Money"

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Review of Five Quick Ways to Save Money

This piece is supposed to be a guide for people on how to save money. It is well written, well recorded, well spoken, and the added background music is a nice touch. However I feel what the producer/narrator/speaker has told us is not remotely helpful. The speaker could have gone further and made it into a sort of feature that way, we, the listners could actually get something out of it, or said something we did not know anyway. It is not all that worthwhile to state things that are incredibly ovious, such as,you should open up a savings account, I'm sorry but everyone knows you can save money by opening up a savings account rather than hiding your money in a tin can and burying it in your back yard. Next time give us information we can actually use, and will actually help us, rather than information we already know.

Comment for "Dangers of the River Road"

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Review of Dangers of the River Road

This, as a short feature, if done well, and kept short, could be a fairly decent short feature. However I feel it was not done properly. First of all, the narrator, Meghan Lamb, does not have the best voice during this piece, she stays monotone, soft spoken, weak sounding, and she read her script in a way that you knew she was reading, that is not always best, one needs to sound somewhat conversation when reading on the radio. As far as narrations goes they were perfectly fine. However the narrations needed to broken up more. I think it went about a minute and a half before she broke up her first narration, she could have broken it up sooner, considering the topic of this piece is not very interesting in itself she needed to make it more interesting by perhaps adding audio or interviews of people describing river road,maybe even in kind of a vox-pop style. Overall, before I go over my word limit, this piece needed more ambient sound, interviews and descriptions of the road from someone other than the narrator, and the narrations needed to be shortend.

Comment for "Anti-Tobacco Promo 1"

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Review of Anti-Tobacco Promo 1

This is a very bad promo. First of all it is confusing, all you say is that you have lived a third of the life of an average smoker, o.k., thank you for informing us, now I will go have a cigarette. You have to explain to the listners what point you are trying to make it is confusing. I understand that you are trying to make the point that smokers live a short life, but I had to connect to many things and think to much, the average listner does not and will not do that. The point must be made very bluntly in a PSA.